Rockit is renowned for it's rock solid stability, and minimal resource usage. It has been time tested for almost a decade by some of the best in the industry, and continues to lead the pack. If you should ever need support, it comes direct from the developers of the product -- not from a call center in a foreign country. Rockit is proudly made in America.
Easily manage your music collection, using our music library manager. Rockit can utilize unlimited libraries, with an unlimited number of tracks in each library. Easily switch libraries on the fly during a session. Utilities for updating tags, checking for duplicate songs, BPM scanning, etc.
Main Features:
-Dual Hyper-Threaded DJ Mixing Decks
-Mix MP3 and WAV music
-Sound effects sampler
-Video playback with our Video Jukebox
-Auto or manual mixing of songs
-Unlimited tracks and play lists
-Audio CD player
-Pitch, gain and looping control
-Quick song presets on each deck
-MIDI controller capable
-Multiple sound board support
-Switch sound devices while playing
-Cue monitoring of your mix
-Independent deck queues
-Fully user skinnable
-Internet album art lookup
-Much more for the Disc Jockey